Monday, November 16, 2009

Welcome SITStas!

Hello all my fellow SITStas! I am so excited to have you all over for a visit!

Around here, I like things to be pretty and practical. I believe there is joy in using beauty and art in everyday life and that everyone has creativity of some sort (yes, that means YOU!) I mostly write about my family and all sorts of crafty projects I have going. I like to quilt, knit, crochet, scrapbook, and I'll try just about any crafty thing at least once! I like to make art and craft for good causes and I'd love to get in touch with others who do too! It seems I am always finding a new project :)

I grew up 11 miles down a dusty road from a tiny country town in Colorado. I became a "jane of all trades, master of none" while in the Navy, college, graduate school, and being a high school teacher in the public school system. I am now blessed to be a stay at home mom and wife to a pastor in central Florida. I am in my first year of homeschooling our two elementary age kids (gratuitous photos follow!) Welcome!

Here are a few links to some of my favorite posts:



The Dapper Darling said...

cute kids!! I love that knit stocking down below too! One day I swear Im going to learn how!

Happy SITS day :)

PaperbackWriter said...

happy SITS day fellow Jane of all trades!

Enjoy your day and be sure to find yourself a moment to sit and be crafty everyday!

thatgirlblogs said...

have a wonderful SITS day ;)

Quasi Serendipita said...

Happy SITS day! Love the knitted handbag :)

floreta said...

i agree that everyone has creativity!

Chocolate Lover said...

Have a great SITS day!

Favourite Vintage Finds said...

Wishing you a Happy SITS Day! C :)

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

Good morning and Congratulations on your SITS Day in the sun!

Your children's expressions are beautiful.

Enjoy the spotlight!

Jennifer C. Valerie said...

I am more of a morning person myself and I too don't like doing dishes. I love to cook but the dishes, that's another story.

Enjoy your SITS Day!

Cristelle Joann said...

Bonne journée !

Karen, author of "My Funny Dad, Harry" said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! Sounds like you've had an interesting life! I always enjoy meeting other Christians through blogging. Off to read your posts now.

MsTypo said...

Congrats on your SITS day!! I can't wait to look around and see more. :)

Lisa in Oz said...

I'm so inspired by your knitting projects! I keep wanting to try it, but I'm usually not very good at that kind of thing and I'm afraid I'd fail miserably lol.

Elizabeth D. said...

Congrats on your SITS day, I look forward to poking around. I'm always in awe of crafty people like yourself, given that I don't have a crafty bone in my body! I tried knitting once, was able to knit a little coaster, and that's about as far as I got before I gave up. It was harder than I thought it would be!

love lives in the kitchen said...

happy sits day! nice blog;)
wish you a great week,

Jess @ Frugal with a Flourish said...

Congrats on your Sits day! I wish I could knit. I have had multiple people attempt to teach me over the years to no avail. You make some cute stuff girl! :)

Mary K Brennan said...

Enjoy your SITS Day!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning SITS star! Congrats on your day as the FB:)
I really enjoyed looking through your posts and I just want to say that the one that stuck out the most was the one that showed the photo of your grandparents looking so lovingly at each other. Priceless!
Wishing you a wonderful day!

Queenie Jeannie said...

Hi Rebecca! Congratulations on your special SITS Day!!!! Enjoy all the bloggy love! It sounds like you've done many cool to read...


Congrats on your SITS day!

confused homemaker said...

Congrats on being featured at SITS today!! I hope it is a wonderful day :)

Christina Lee said...

woo hoo have a great DAY!!

ch said...

Congratulation on being featured! Your kids look sweet!
I am in Central Florida too, two kids (boys) and was a high school teacher bc but I can't say I was ever in the Navy:)
Have a great day!

Astrid in Bristling Acres said...

LOL at the Jane of all Trades; Master of None comment! That describes me!

Have a wonderful day!

Stephanie Faris said...

Your children are beautiful...and you seem very creative. I'm envious! Writing is my only creative talent, unfortunately.

leigh hewett said...

Happy SITS day. You've got some cute kiddos.


Sandy said...

Congrats on your special day SITSta!

Anonymous said...

Good Morning, stopping by from SITS!

I would love to learn to knit or crochet but can not find the time to take a class and I am not one who can teach myself these kinds of things.

Mariah said...

Well, you sound adorable! Can't wait to get into your posts. Quite a jump from CO to FL!! Hope the transition was smooth. And from one pastor's wife to another, have a great day SITSta!

Unknown said...

Congratulations on your SITS day! I am loving the skirt that you made with the littlest pet shop piece on it!!

{leah} said...

I like you!!! I'm an Army wife, I homeschool, and I'm in Florida... I lvoe meeting new firends!

{Happy SITS day!}

Unknown said...

Happy SITS day and congrats on your feature. Your kids are adorable. I am off to read some of your other posts and look around. Hope you have a great week!!

Anonymous said...

Happy Sits Day! I'm a knitter and homeschooler too!

sweetjeanette said...

Congrats on YOUR DAY in SITSdom!
A fellow Florida Girl? Yaaa-aaay! Im in (west) Central Florida too.

Unknown said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger! Your son and daughter are precious. Have a great day!

Laurie said...

Hi Rebecca! Happy SITS!!

I'm NOT a knitter & a homeschooler!! You knitters & homeschoolers--organized. Me--not!

I'm looking forward to getting to know you ...maybe I can learn some tips.

Enjoy your day!

Angelia Sims said...

Oh, they are adorable!!!

Jane of all trades? Really? Are you handy with a hammer and fixin stuff too?
I always wanted to be "that" girl, but I'm more likely to hurt myself. HA.

I've got some creative genes from my mom, so that is awesome!

Happy SITS Day!!

Kileen said...

Happy SITS day! Thanks for sharing the webkinz sweater pattern. My girls have a bunch of webkinz that need clothes for the winter. :)

Anonymous said...

Happy sits day girl! I love it when I see familuar people as the feature of the day! Its AWASOME!!!! Your kids are beautiful.....Hope you have a great sits day.

roadrunner201 said...

Yeay! I am so glad that you are the FB today! I love reading your blog:-)

Annie @ astonesthrowfrominsanity said...

Looking forward to perusing your blog!
:) Your kids are darling!!

Jen said...

Congrats on being today's Feature blogger!! What a great way to start a new week!! I look forward to reading more about you!! I am also going to check out your knitting! I am new to knitting so anything help or ideas I can get all the better!!

Enjoy your special day!!!

Unknown said...

Oh Beautiful Children!! Congrat's on your SITS Day!! I am off to read your 3 posts!! Have a great day!!

Audra said...

Great blog! Happy SITS Day to you!

Melanie said...

You sound like you've certainly have had an interesting life! Congrats on your SITS day. =)

BrnEyedGal said...

Hey...Happy SITS day!!!

You have such a lovely blog...Have a great day!! :)

pink and green mama MaryLea said...

Ahh...a crafty mama after my own heart. My family is all from Colorado, still visit Canon City every year to see my Grandma and Pueblo for the rest of the crew : )
I'm working my butt off over here trying to get my craft on before Christmas -- homemade gifts are both fun and stress-inducing for me at this time of year!!

Happy SITS day!!

pink and green mama

TanishaRenee said...

I love all things crafty, too...especially scrapbooking!

Happy SITS Day!!

Anonymous said...

I'm a crocheter... so it's always fun to meet a fellow crafty person. :)

Happy SITS day!

jaquelyn {mama thoughts} said...

happy SITS day! Looks like fun stuff. I'll have to browse around. ;)

Charlene said...

"Pretty and practical" - sounds like my kinda gal! Congrats on your SITS Day and looking forward to checking out your blog!

Blogs said...

Happy SITS Day. I'm trying to pull out the crafty side in moi. Nice blog! Enjoyed it so much this morning:) Have a beautiful day muh sitsta!!

Anonymous said...

Well I hope you have lots of fun today being the Featured Blogger! Thank you for letting us look around!

Joanie said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Cute kids!

I wish I had the patience to learn to knit or do scrapbooking.

Amy said...

Great pics of your kids. Congrats on your SITS Feature Blogger day.

I also believe that everyone has a crafty gene in them, they just have to find it. I wish that I had learned how to quilt from my grandmother, but I was "too busy" at the time and I missed my chance.

Have a wonderful day.

Susie said...

Congratulations on your SITS feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)

Shanna said...

Super cute little stocking! Happy SITs day!

Unknown said...

Happy SIts day... your kids are cuties and I am wanting to begin quilting HELPPPP oh wise one of the art lol..

Kathleen @ Measuring My Life said...

Congrats on your SITS day!!!

AmericanTribal said...

Your kids are adorable!

Congratulations on your SITS Day! :)

Kristin @ Meanbean said...

Your kids are beautiful - congrats on your SITS day!

Tana said...

Happy SITS day! Please tell me how to follow your blog, I must know. I'm a homeschooling mom and a quilter and a writer.

Marie said...

Impressed with "Jane of all trades"! :)

What made you decide to start homeschooling, just curious.

Sandy said...

Happy SITS Day! Enjoy the company. Your children are beautiful and it sounds like you have a wonderful life.

Sarah Brown said...

Hi and congratulations on your day today! I sure wish you could come to my house and help me find my creativity!!!=)
Hope you have a wonderful day today.

Stopping by from SITS

Anonymous said...

Enjoy your SITS day!

Miss Behavin said...

Congratulations on your saucy day in the SITS sun. You have a great looking family.

Keri said...

Hello Rebecca, Congrats on your SITS feature. Your blog is very nice, and your family great looking. Looks like some people have all the luck, like you. Take care, come and see me at


Jenn Erickson said...

What a beautiful family! Congratulations on your SITS day! I love your creativity and generosity of spirit!

Florrie said...

Happy SITS day.
I am so impressed with your craftiness.....your projects look fantastic. Thanks for letting me have a look around your blog. Hope you have a great day.

tattytiara said...

Oh how lovely - I am blessed with dear friends in Florida, and it's suck a gorgeous place to go to visit people. Happy sits day!

Lisa said...

I grew up in Colorado, too. Beautiful place! Happy SITS DAY!

Sherri said...

Happy, Happy SITS Day! I hope your day is wonderful!

Allison said...

Happy SITS day!

I so wish I could knit...I tried to lear once with disastorous results!

JaelCustomDesigns said...

Congrats on your SITS Day! Have A Great Day.

Brandi said...

Happy SITS Day! I hope you really enjoy it. Your children are very cute!

strokeofliving said...

Mu mother is very crafty, she crochets and is quite good. I however am not so much anymore but today is all about you. Cute children, love the denim skirt. Good job on your SITS featured blogger day.

Young Wife said...

Happy SITS day! I talked my parents into homeschooling me for high school. Have you posted about why you decided to homeschool? I'd love to read about it.

Carla said...

Happy SITSday!!!

MrsMonicaLB said...

Happy SITS day!Love your blog!

Jessica Nunemaker said...

Happy SITS Day!

I don't think I could ever homeschool our kids...I just don't have that kind of patience! ;)

Brandie said...

Congrats on being the featured blogger. What a wonderful family you have!

Emily Dawn said...

Happy SITS Day! I love how you incorporate you family into your projects. I don't have kids yet, but I try to do that too. I find it so much more refreshing to make things for someone else. I'm also really excited about the homemade holidays by Sew, Mama, Sew!

Anonymous said...

I think homeschooling is wonderful. Most of my college students who were homeschooled were well-educated.

Heather said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I look forward to checking out your blog. I too am a creative "Jane of all trades!"

Conquer The Monkey said...

Love the crafty ideas!
enjoy your day in the sun!


Hannah said...

Cute, cute kids. Happy SITS day!

tiarastantrums said...

hello hello - Happy SITS day!!

Romy said...

Happy SITS day! I am a scrapper and get lost in it--I especially love my scrappin' girls getaway weekends--scrappin' all night long, yummy food, massages and nothing to think about--have you ever done one??
Enjoy your time in the sun

Unknown said...

I am so not crafty, but I hope you might be able to inspire me. You have a lovely family, by the way.

Have a happy SITS day!

Marilyn (A Lot of Loves) said...

Congrats on your SITS day! I love to do crafty things but don't have much time for it nowadays. I'm hoping as my kids get older I've have the time to do more!

Grace @ Ruby Moon Designs said...

Nice to "meet" you via blogland! Congrats on the homeschooling venture...I am a big fan of homeschooling! Happy Monday!


Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day happy to meet you! You have a lovely blog here!


Clarinda said...

Happy SITS day to you! I'm in school right now to become a high school teacher (social studies). Just curious to know what subject you taught. Have a fabulous, comment-filled day!

Angela Tolsma said...

Happy SITS Day!!

Robbie S. Redmon, LPC said...

Happy SITS Day!

brokenteepee said...

Your children are adorable. I am sure they will follow in your crafty footsteps!

Happy SITS day.

Lani said...

Happy SITS day!! New follower here:) Your kids look like sweetiepies!

Twincerely,Olga said...

Congrats. on your SITS Day!!!Your kids are gorgeous!!! I am in Central Fl. too!Stop by!

Vodka Logic said...

Wow what cute kiddies. I can't imagine homeschooling. We battle over homework. Schooling would not be good. Will go have a look around. xx

Little Birdie Secrets said...

Happy SITS Day!! Love the little stocking in your last post!

Bibi @ Bibi's Culinary Journey said...

Happy SITS Day.

You have a wonderful family and a great blog. I love to do crafty things I just wish I had more time these days.

Jen Sue Wild said...

Happy Sits day to you!!

Jen Sue Wild said...

Happy Sits day to you!!

teachmama said...

whew! just a little yarn project? I'd love, love the stocking pattern--so cute and I may be able to do it--although I'm only a scarf girl....


Peggy said...

Love the stocking!

And your kiddos are adorable!

I once thought of homeschooling many moons ago (my kids are now 25 and 22) and the thought quickly passed. I applaud the parents that can and do homeschool. (I would have ended up in my girls, but we're all a bit on the stubborn side)

Mrs. Newlywed said...

Happy SITS day! You've got some good lookin' kids! :)

Melanie @ Whimsical Creations said...

Cute kids! Happy SITS day.

Ellen said...

Very cute kids! It looks like y'all have a lot of fun!

Kim @ Cheap Chic Home said...

Nice job. Do you have a tutorial for the little purse/bag? Happy SITS day.

Valerie said...

You have a great family!! Congrats on being FB today. I hope you have a great SITS day!!!

Rhiannon Bosse said...

Happy SITS Day to you my friend :)

Melissa Haak said...

Oh how I wish I could knit...but alas I will have to settle for sewing beause I do not have time to learn another hobby!

Visiting from SITS, happy FB day!

Cynthia said...

Congratulations on your SITS day. What cuties your kids are...I'm off to see your quilts.

Unknown said...

Happy Sits day!!! Look forward to reading more from you...

Momnerd said...

Cute kids! I used to think that I was a craft reject. Everyone would make fun of me when I tried. And while I don't have much raw artistic ability and I hate any kind of crafts with fabric or needles, I have learned that I am quite creative. I love doing paper crafts and online design. So I agree with you!

Shawn said...

Congrats on your SITS day! Cutie kids....

Have a great one!

Barb said...

Happy SITS day. I homeschool in Colorado now. We will have to compare 'where did you live' notes at some point.

Lady Mama said...

Happy SITS day.

Miss Dot said...

"Jane of all trades, master of none"? Rebecca, you've described me to a T! I know exactly how you feel. Now I have an expression to call myself. Love it!

Anonymous said...

Happy SITS day! :-)

Miss Dot said...

P.S. -- I'm snagging your Christmas Countdown widget!! WOOHOO!!

Julie {Angry Julie Monday} said...

Love the Christmas Countdown widget. It totally motivates me to start making some lists. Stopping by from SITS!!! I hope you have a fantastic week!

Sarah - Red Gingham said...

What have I missed?!!! What is SITS day? Dare I ask? Your children are just the sweetest!

RomyRaves said...

Happy SITS Day from a fellow crazy busy mommy....

Julie said...

Happy SITS day! Love your blog and all the craftiness.

Nydia said...

Happy SITS day ... I would love to learn to knit and be more crafty now after perusing your blog ... :-)

Anonymous said...

Those kids are adorable! I love your little denim skirt too. I am trying to learn how to knit again. I learned in 5th grade but for some reason after growing up and having a family now the steps have gotten lost in the day to day shuffle.

My best, Lynn

The Quilt Shoppe said...

Congratulations on your SITSday!

I, too, am a Christian, a homeschool mom, and a quilter. Your children are adorable and your projects delightful! Thanks for sharing today :)


Reeni said...

Your kids are beautiful! Hope your having fun on your SITS day!

Pam said...

Happy SITS Day! Enjoy your day in the spotlight. And I think I might be the first person you will "meet" who is truly not creative - at all. I'm not kidding.

Unknown said...

Happy SITSday!!

Your children are darling--such adorable pictures!

Ryan Ashley Scott said...

Your children are beautiful! Happy SITS Day, crafty lady.

Anonymous said...

Great pics! Happy SITS day!

Gamma Sharon said...

Happy happy SITS day!!!
I am like you, I love all kinds of crafting and your kids are adorable.
Hope your day is great!

scrappysue said...

yay for sits! your kids are cute!

Just Jennifer said...

Aww your kids are cute. ;)

Just visiting from SITS :D And grats on being featured. That is awesome!!

Jewelry Rockstar said...

Hello We home school too! Mine are 13, 8 and three weeks old.

Home School Blast said...

Oh I forgot to leave my home school blog address

foxy said...

Cheers to you today, sitsta... and congrats on being the FB!

You've got a beautiful corner of the world over here! ;)

Nicole @ said...

What beautiful kids. Congrats on your SITS FB day (although I'm a little late!)

Nicolasa said...

I hope you enjoyed your SITS Day! I love the booties down below! Great work!


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