When my daughter was born she was so beautiful and I dressed her in all the little pink lace dresses that had been given to us by such loving and wonderful friends and family. This may have been mistake #2.
As she grew, I learned that I had made mistake #1 and that she, indeed, LOVED pink. Oh well, I thought, she will grow out of it... She, however, did not. Now she holds her own when it comes to being around animals and she is tough as nails. She can play with boys without any problems. Much of the time, however, she is an incredibly girly girl. Throughout the last 10 years, she has taught me such an incredible amount about femininity, wearing pink, tiaras, and the finer points of being a princess. And you know what, something happened in me. At first I just stopped hating pink, then I started to think of it as neutral. Then I began to think of her when I saw something pink, and I almost like it now, almost. She is now 10 and she said she didn't like a pair of pink shoes today for the first time. (Pink and shoes, what girly girl could resist, right?) And then I took a look at my blog. Ummmm, it is very pink. I did that without even realizing it. I think I have really started to like pink after all. Thanks sweetie, I needed that. I hope you continue to
love ♥ pink!